Multi-Investigator / Multi-Disciplinary Research

In recent years, the organizational model for conducting biomedical research has been shifting increasingly from an individual or single department-based paradigm toward a team or interdisciplinary approach. In addition, translational or bench-to-bedside research initiatives are now an important focus of many research funding organizations. This approach to the biomedical research enterprise requires that multiple investigators, basic and clinical, from various disciplines and departments unite to create collaborative efforts in tackling specific scientific problems.

The OORHS recognizes the need for assistance in assembling such research teams, and it plays an active role in developing multi-investigator and multi-disciplinary (complex center or similar) grant applications and research programs. In addition to the services provided for individual investigator projects, experienced scientists will review multi-project grant applications for clarity, logical flow, and scientific validity.  They will also review applications for style and logical consistency between the projects and any requested cores.

For more information, contact Dr. Anthony Brickner (412) 624-7932.